A raft of daftness: One summer month in the life of Leicester City FC

In the absence of anything else to report (until our fixtures come out in a couple of hours’ time), we’re looking back at the past month of mad stuff surrounding Leicester City Football Club.

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1: Taking the money

Let’s play a game of who wrote this: “sometimes, performance falls short of expectations.” Was it a company who specialise in products for gentlemen with a sensitive problem or Leicester City on behalf of a trading company we’ve chosen to shill for on X? Ten points to those of you who picked us. Yes, we’re back promoting FBS again.

2: Slopey shoulders

“It’s a shame the club went down.” says Brendan Rodgers, speaking about Leicester City as if he in fact wasn’t in charge of said football club during that relegation season and had nothing to do with it.

3: Still in the dark

We don’t know when we’ll be punished for our financial mismanagement but the rumours are the points deduction would be anywhere from 6 to a record-breaking 15.

Given other clubs got less for co-operating with the investigation, perhaps 15 isn’t so hard to believe. Or somebody really wants us to make good on our threat to run a Football Manager campaign about trying to survive with a ton of sanctions and writing it up on the site.

4 (a, b, c, d & e): Elite comms

The moment the Good Ship Leicester City hits the rocks, the club ratchets up the madness, drowning us all in a sea of activations, social posts, and paparazzi shots of Gerry Taggart going about his daily life.

In the week after Enzo Maresca’s move to Chelsea was more or less confirmed by various media outlets, and others began reporting we might be hit with a 15 point deduction next season, Leicester City’s communications department treated us to:

On top of that, the constant advertising partners and pushing products is an unfortunate side effect of social media. Weeks ahead of the Premier League fixtures being released, we were back with all the FBS content, this time a video that we’ve roped first team players into on Instagram.

5: A player speaks

We watched it so you don’t have to: Kasey McAteer popped up on a Chelsea YouTube channel, sharing insights on Enzo Maresca and his style. For his part, Kasey comes across well but that’s if you can get past how the presenter pronounces Dewsbury-Hall.

6: Rising above it

When should a Premier League footballer ignore some social media baiting? Probably all the time but Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall embroiled himself in some ‘banter’ with Coventry’s most ubiquitous fan.

7: Has he stayed or has he gone?

One thing Leicester are good at is providing updates about every member of the squad’s international exploits. This apparently even extends to Yunus Akgun, a man who left the club a month ago.

The love affair is over pretty quickly it seems. Life comes at you fast for old Yunus because in the following Euro update, he didn’t get a mention. Ouch. At least the update included the revelation that England and Denmark are in the same group, in case you’d been stuck under a rock for the last few months.

8: We hardly knew ye

New for this week: a totally on-brand decision here from our beloved club, as the local paper’s trusty correspondent only found out a coach had been appointed when he’d already left. Roberto Vitiello, it was a pleasure. Presumably.

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