
Let it go: The case for a sabbatical from this sad Leicester City side
Simon Birch Simon Birch

Let it go: The case for a sabbatical from this sad Leicester City side

Kicking off at 7pm on a Sunday night is awful for a match-going fan, but for those of us following along at home, it’s perfect. Do whatever it is you need to do, have a nice dinner and sit down to watch your team.

That is, of course, if you support basically any team other than Leicester City.

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Quelle surprise: What surprise at Leicester City?
Andrew Smith Andrew Smith

Quelle surprise: What surprise at Leicester City?

The most surprising thing at Leicester City this season is that anyone is still surprised. The club continues its amateurish Sunday League-esque stagger through life with an unerring knack of walking into every trap it encounters.

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Leicester City’s grand plan finally revealed: Do nothing
David Bevan David Bevan

Leicester City’s grand plan finally revealed: Do nothing

As the final hours of the January transfer window ticked down, relegation-haunted Leicester City sat by and watched as rivals strengthened. What message does that send to a fanbase losing hope that this team can be competitive at Premier League level?

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